Why Canadá?

Points to keep in mind ..

  1. There is no inheritance tax, no capital gains tax at the time of death as in the United States.
  2. No tax on foreign investors - only withholding tax on dividends in accordance with the treaties with the investors' respective countries of residence for investment instruments (stocks, bonds, etc.), American and Canadian (15% of the dividend for residents of Colombia and Mexico).
  3. Since 2008, Canada has been recognized as the most stable banking jurisdiction in the world, although it slipped to # 2 this year (World Economic Forum - Global Competitiveness Report 2018 pg. 146)
    http://www3.weforum.org/docs / GCR2018 / 05FullReport / TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport2018 .pdf
  4. The country with the greatest macroeconomic stability in the world (World Economic Forum –Global Competitiveness Report 2018 pg. 145) http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR2018/05FullReport/TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport2018 .pdf
  5. Well developed and internationally connected legal system that puts confidentiality and certainty of property and contractual rights to the fore, with a good reputation for discretion, ethics, honesty, professionalism and legality.
  6. If the securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) are paid in full, they are fully segregated, which means that they cannot be loaned to other clients or otherwise used for the broker's business (IIROC Dealer Member Rule 17.3 .http: //iiroc.ca/investors/Documents/InvestorAlert_en.pdf)
  7. Established access to global markets for equities, bonds, currencies, commodities and derivatives.
  8. Canadian Investor Protection Fund CIPF - fund for investor protection, this government agency guarantees up to $ 1m. in the event of the insolvency of its members - protection extends to non-residents and non-citizens of Canada (please visit www.cipf.ca for more information).
  9. Toronto is in the same time zone as most of the Latin American capitals.
  10. Efficient and accurate processes for the international transfer of funds.
  11. One of the most multicultural countries in the world that allows personal understanding of the unique cultural identity of customers.

(AAG) Alviar Advisory Group is a Canadian Financial Boutique oriented to provide consulting and services in the preservation, transfer and succession of family assets and family businesses, mainly in Latin America.


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